Categories Site News Gallery Update Captures

Gallery Update

Thanks to Cristina (Dicakylar) for uploading the screen captures of the J. Edgar Trailer, J Edgar TV Spot captures she is also planning to upload and finishing the first part of the Inception Screen Captures I haven’t done. I’ll be doing the second half.  I am truly sorry I haven’t updated much, I’ve been busy with family and other projects as some of you may know I not only run this site, but several others as well. For the past year, I have been spending all my time working on promoting The Woman in Black for CBS films which comes in February 3, 2012.

I have not forgotten Leo, I just needed a break since I’ve been doing this for over ten years in fact in December we celebrate 12 years since this site has begun. It’s truly remarkable I never thought I would keep up a site this long. But for all those who have helped in a very big way and those who have supported the site, I thank you very much.  I am gonna make a new layout very soon. So expect that and a gallery change. 🙂

Categories Site News Captures

Captures update

488 HQ Captures of Inception Trailer 3 now up in the gallery thanks to dicakylar.

As you know we are on Facebook and Twitter, but we also have a livejournal and a myspace. My Myspace is both for my website and personal so if you wanna join please do. Just thought I would let you know on the places we are listed.

I am also trying to get back to livejournal so if anyone has a livejournal and does icons we could use some posts there. It would be great to have a few posts for graphics and stuff at our livejournal. If we could gather all Leo DiCaprio lovers at livejournal that would be great. We need more creative ideas and people.

Categories Captures Gallery Update

Gallery Update

Added Screen Captures of What’s eating Gilbert Grape (538) and Marvin’s Room (507).
4 pics of Leo in the Galapagos thanks to Nicky.

Two more captures folders to go: Romeo and Juliet (715) and The Man in the Iron Mask (540). Then Captures will be complete.

Categories Gallery Update Fan Art Captures

Latest Updates

Added 3 new calendars made by Naty, Maggie and Erika.

In the gallery I added the screen captures of Titanic, This Boy’s Life, Critters 3 and The Quick and the Dead. 4 more movie captures to add and I am done.

Categories Site News Gallery Update Captures

Great News

Things so far look like its working I haven’t noticed any drawbacks on the server as of yet. So it seems the work I did is working out for the better. We are glad to be back and have the site open to everyone. You might wanna consider registering as we are still not out of the clouds yet. Please do include your donation to help us. We need all the help we can get.

Right now, I am working on integrating the movie screen captures into the gallery.

Here’s what I added so far:

11th Hour – Screen Captures
The Aviator – Evening with Alan Alda and Leo, Making Of, Trailer
Blood Diamond – Trailer
Body of Lies – Deleted Scenes, Making of, Trailer 1, Trailer 2, Set
Celebrity- Screen Captures
Departed- Sneak Peek, Trailer
Inception – Teaser Trailer, Trailer
Revolutionary Road – Making Of, International trailer, Trailer, Deleted Scenes

Categories Site News Fan Art Captures

Gallery Registration Change

DiCaprio Captures and the Fan Art Gallery is changing its registration cause we are constantly getting flooded with spam bot registrations so to avoid that I changed registration for those two sections. You can now register here for both galleries or just one of them depending what your registering for. These galleries are free to register, but please respect the content.