Categories Site Career

Latest Updates

I rearranged some of the content and got rid of an old plugin. Some pages have been updated like Past Layouts, Career pages for Romeo and Juliet, and Titanic.And deleted some old content that wasn’t needed.

Categories Site

Affiliates Added

From what I could find I have added all affiliates. All top affiliates were upgraded to elite affiliates. If you are not listed and were an affiliate please contact us so we can re-add you. Thanks, Marcie

Categories Site

Lost Affiliates

If you were affiliated with our site, a plugin got corrupted and we had to remove it and lost all our affiliates. I’ll be re-adding the ones I lost soon. If you were an affiliate you can reapply by sending an email to us @ and your link. Thanks in advance.

Categories Site Fan Fiction

New updates

I finally updated a few things around here. I’ve brought back the fan fiction archive. Thanks to a friend we got updated. So thanks to all his hard work. You can view the Fan Fiction Archive here. I also updated the fanlistings some codes we’re a bit off so its fixed.

Categories Site Gallery

Gallery is Back

Some technical difficulties came up but the gallery is now back. If you still can’t see it give it 48 hours to propogate correctly on the internet.

Categories Site

New Section

I was talking to an old friend and we talked about something we used to do way back when this site started. Every Titanic enthusiast used to do this so I am bring back something old. I have some old content from the site and I am adding it back. Its a video section called the Video Vault where I will be putting some videos. I put up 19 so far. And hope to be adding more in the next few days.

There’s also some donated content from HollyP, Mia, Maypi and Julie. So expect that and more soon.

Categories Site


Gallery Registrations have been going to my spam folder so I never received them but I approved the ones I did receive. Sorry for those who have been struggling to get in. I am changing my email address so hopefully this doesn’t happen again.

Categories Site

Gallery Overhaul on Hold

The gallery has been postponed for now. I got really sick so I’m still not over it but getting better slowly. I’ll work on the gallery when I am much better. For now it is open to registered users.