Categories Fan Art

New Icon Archive

Icons are being transferred from the Fan Art Gallery to the website. You can view them all here. I am still working on the movies section so it should be up later on.

Icon Archive

Categories Fan Art

DiCaprio Fan Art Section Reopened

I finally put back the fan art section and made a new layout for it as well I added a couple of wallpapers and graphics submitted by some of my dear friends. Just click on the image to go to the site. I also added more photos from the Golden Globes and etc so check out our image gallery as well.



Categories Fan Art

New Wallpaper

A friend of mine made this and said I could post it here for you.


Categories Fan Art

New Wallpaper

Thanks to my friend Adair, she made this and I loved it so thanks to her for making this.


Categories Fan Art

New Wallpaper

My very dear friend Adair, made this for SLD. She hopes you like it.


Categories Fan Art

New Wallpaper

Thanks to Wessam for sending this in. A New Wallpaper of Leo.

Categories Fan Art

Chrome Themes

I asked people a while back if they were interested in Google Chrome Themes, well I made my first. If you guys like them, I’ll make more. I’m making the themes 1680×1050, if you need a different screen size please let me know. Click on the image to install the theme on your Google Chrome Browser.