Categories Leo News Gatsby

Entertainment Weekly

Leo is in this week’s Entertainment Weekly for the summer movie preview issue. I’ll be posting scans very soon.

Categories Leo News Gatsby

Love is blindness

I am loving the new song by Jack White called Love is Blindness from the Gatsby Trailer. I cannot wait for this. I’ve been waiting for Leo to film again with Tobey. It’s a long awaited film I am dying to see.

Categories Leo News Gatsby

GQ Italy and Architectural Digest

Leo’s is on the cover of GQ Italy for April for the Great Gatsby. Also there are new behind the scenes set pics viewable on Architectural Digest.


Sources:GQ Italy and AD

Categories Gatsby

Keep on voting!!!

Voting is only open till April 10th

Categories Site News Leo News Gatsby

Next Must-See Movie: The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby has been nominated for “Next Must See Movie” in Logo’s NewNowNext Awards 2013! The NewNowNext Awards is a night and party that calls out EVERYTHING in pop culture that deserves the gay stamp of approval. The NNNA’s irreverently salutes the best-but-underrated talent in fashion, music, and movies—and does so before anyone else!

Let’s help the movie to be #1. Please vote online or Tweet the following below.

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“@GatsbyMovie2013 has been nominated for #NNNAGreatGatsby in the 2013 #NNNAwards! #NNNAGreatGatsby RT this to vote!”

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Next Must-See Movie: The Great Gatsby,

Categories Django Unchained Possible Projects The Wolf of Wall Street Site News Gatsby

First Vacation, Then Go Do Your Banking


We found some! It’s not an illusion, it’s not going to disappear if you rub your eyes too hard in disbelief–we have news!

First: has the new Django cover of Premiere. Also some plot information we already possess, but hey. Hunting over the Premiere website does not held this little gem, but here you go.

Second, and currently, everywhere: DiCaprio and Rob Pattinson may or may not be going on vacation together. Just google it for how many blurbs there are to choose from, but this one has the prettiest photo. Also, the random information that Appian Way is producing a Ben Affleck movie, Runner Runner, confirmed by In case you’re bored, some sites are even speculating on what the two will discuss.

More interesting? Dicaprio and Jonah Hill in New York on Tuesday on a secret on a mission for Wolf of Wall Street: researching…banking. Cannot say I am jealous of that, but if it means Scorsese is getting ready to start work, I’m all for it. A likely story, you say. Here’s proof, I say. According to business, they’ve read the script. They produce highlights here–foul language warning.

As for Gatsby, the New York Daily News has this tidbit on Amitabh Bachchan. Bachchan stars as Wolfsheim, and discusses why he did the role gratis.

That’s all for now folks! Have a great weekend!