Hello Leo Fans,
This is Anthony the husband of Marcie. I am always working in the background of the sites we maintain and today I came up with the idea (after Marcie had purchased the Kate domain) of starting a new section for the HOD Network called
The Simply Line what this in tales is the purchase of Domain Names such as…
As you may have noticed with the domain name the beginning start with simply and the other half is the name of the actor/actress now what I am asking is…
1) Do you think we should move all the content on this site to simplyleonardodicaprio.com and use heart ofdestiny.com for some other topic?
2) Do you think we should just park the domain on top of heartofdestiny.com
NOTE: this method is said to lower your page rank in Google “repeat sites”
3) Do you think we should place it as a redirect to heartofdestiny.com?
Now me personally I love the idea of multiple websites using the URL format stated above I know it will be a pain to move the website over and a lot of affiliates will have to update their URL to the new URL but in the end it will pay off for us as we acquirer other domains to add to the ones we have already.
Just think of it!!
HOD Network is Proud to Present
The Simply Line
Top Quality Celebrity Websites
Please tell us what you think by submitting your comments,
tell us why we should do what you suggest