Categories Site News

Update – Family Emergency

Hello everybody, well it’s the next day and we are back. Yes Marcie is Home!! and doing fine as i write this she is working on the HQ Gallery after all we know the less you see of Leo the more chance you could suffer from (HYPOLEONARDOEMIA) and we would not like to happen to our visitors.  After running test, Blood work-ups, CAT Scans, the doctor came in and said it was HYPOKALEMIA, Low potassium (hypokalemia) is a condition of low level of potassium in the blood. this most often occurs in patients taking Diuretics (water Pills). it also occurs in cases of prolonged vomiting or Diarrhea. and That’s it.


Categories Site News

Family Emergency – Site on Hold

Hello Everybody, today Marcie became ill to the point we felt she should go to the emergency room for full test and exams. She is there now, symptoms i will not give any at this time for the reason that Marcie might want to keep it private i am sure she will let you know when she returns. But i felt that i should tell the HOD community as i know that most of you have become real good friends with my wife and would be concerned about here. LOVE YOU MY DEAR MARCIE

Categories Site News Gallery Update

Gallery Notice

During a site transfer the gallery was lost. It’s gonna take some time to reupload it all. So Gallery Admins, i will contact you so you can reupload all the images you put sorry for this. But I have to start from scratch, I couldn’t save the database it got corrupted some how.

Categories Site News

New Leo Pics

I’ve been busy adding new Leo pics for the past few hours. Here are the albums I’ve updated :

Just Leo
Leo Scans
Young Leo
Black and White


Black and White

Celebrity – On the Set
The Man in the Iron Mask (On the Set, Stills and Promos)
Marvin’s Room Stills
Romeo and Juliet Premiere
Titanic Press Conference
Total Eclipse Stills
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape Stills

Die Zeit
Mondo Uomo
Movie Idols
Vanity Fair (Replaced April 1996 pic)
Paris Match
Scholastic Choices

That’s it for now, I’ll be adding more pics later tonight 🙂

Categories Gallery Update

Gallery Update

I worked all day long for this gallery.

I added :

2 pics of Leo & Bar Spain
5 pics of Leo & Bar Los Cabos Mexico
24 pics of Leo & Bar Italy
1 pic of Leo & Bar Israël
4 pics of Leo & Bar Greece
15 pics of Leo & Bar France
1 pic of Leo Still Blood Diamond
5 pics of Leo on set Blood Diamond
18 pics of Leo & Gisele Italy
26 pics of Leo & Gisele Los Angeles
19 pics of Leo & Bar Los Angeles
2 pics of Leo on set The Departed
67 pics of Leo & Gisele New York
Categories Site News

HOD Networks New Idea

Hello Leo Fans,

This is Anthony the husband of Marcie. I am always working in the background of the sites we maintain and today I came up with the idea (after Marcie had purchased the Kate domain) of starting a new section for the HOD Network called

The Simply Line what this in tales is the purchase of Domain Names such as…

As you may have noticed with the domain name the beginning start with simply and the other half is the name of the actor/actress now what I am asking is…

1)  Do you think we should move all the content on this site to and use heart for some other topic?

2) Do you think we should just park the domain on top of
NOTE: this method is said to lower your page rank in Google “repeat sites”

3) Do you think we should place it as a redirect to


Now me personally I love the idea of multiple websites using the URL format stated above I know it will be a pain to move the website over and a lot of affiliates will have to update their URL to the new URL but in the end it will pay off for us as we acquirer other domains to add to the ones we have already.


Just think of it!!

HOD Network is Proud to Present
The Simply Line

Top Quality Celebrity Websites


Please tell us what you think by submitting your comments,

tell us why we should do what you suggest

Categories Site News

Gallery Update

Hi Everyone,
It’s me Diane. I’m back. I am working again for Marcie’s gallery.
Sorry for my decision to leave Marcie’s gallery, 1 week ago. I was hurted by people that wrote me horrible messages about my pictures of Leo, because they are very jealous of my pictures by example pictures of Leo with Bar, Leo with Gisele and other pictures of Leo candids… But it’s not the first time for me. I already had the same problems in my old forum and site.
For people who wrote me horrible messages, pay attention! You will regret this.
For people who supported me, thanks so much.
I added :

12 pics of Leo at No Direction Home Premiere 2005

11 pics of Leo at Friends of NPI (The Aviator)

12 pics of Leo & Gisele Costa Rica

5 pics of Leo & Gisele Germany

35 pics of Leo Malibu