Categories Gallery Update

New Pics

I’ve added some new pics to the gallery. Here are the albums I’ve updated :

TITANIC -On Set, Promotional, Scans, Stills, Golden Globes
The Romeo and Juliet screencaps will be added to the gallery later today.

Categories Site News


Registeration is now open, since I updated the gallery script. I feel it is okay to open registeration. But remember your account has to be approved by me, first before you can login. Remember to fill in everything.{nl}On another note, DiCaprio Obsession is fully open now. I fixed everything that needed to be fixed.{nl} 

Categories Site News

Gallery Registeration

For now I will only accept registerations by email. Because of a spamming virus going around in all coppermine galleries around the world. So please send me this info to All this information is required, if you do not send complete info I will disregard your email and it will be deleted.



a valid email address

Website: if you have one (MySpace is not a website, its a profile)



“If you do not have a MySpace, Website or Facebook let me know in your email, this is very important.”

Categories Site News


Because I know that a whole bunch of you are dying to have the gallery back open. I have been trying to decide how to open it. I would love anyone’s opinion and input. Tell me which you would prefer and why you would like it that way.

First Choice – I would open the gallery just as it is now containing 9765 pics.

Second Choice – Wait until I have completed it with the full 16,000 pics?

Please comment and tell me what you think we should do. I will take what the majority of you say and use that. Please give suggestions if you have any too.

Categories Site News

Site Update

Well I have finally changed the site, a little early, but i figured I would do it now. The gallery will not be available for a while. So for now it will remain open for admins only.{nl}Also you may notice a few Heart of Destiny’s still around on certain pages. I am changing that, but it will take some time to restore everything to Simply Leonardo DiCaprio. So please be patient while, I take care of everything. And for those of you who sent me messages when I was sick. I appreciate it. Thank you. I am doing fine now. So I’m okay.

Categories Site News

Gallery Update

Just thought I would say Hello. I know i have been out recently, but if you didn’t know what happened to me you can read the posts below. Everyone keeps asking where is the gallery. I know some of you don’t understand English, but the gallery is totally gone. I will give you the new url when I am finished.

Categories Site News

I’m back

I was really scared on Thursday night I had pressure in my head that wouldn’t stop. I thought I had some kind of tumor or something. Then my whole body got numb.

Diagnosis was: Low Potassium and Stress.

As for the Gallery, I am working on it. I will tell you the url when i am finished.