Hi Everyone,
It’s me Diane. I’m back. I am working again for Marcie’s gallery.
Sorry for my decision to leave Marcie’s gallery, 1 week ago. I was hurted by people that wrote me horrible messages about my pictures of Leo, because they are very jealous of my pictures by example pictures of Leo with Bar, Leo with Gisele and other pictures of Leo candids… But it’s not the first time for me. I already had the same problems in my old forum and site.
For people who wrote me horrible messages, pay attention! You will regret this.
For people who supported me, thanks so much.
I added :
12 pics of Leo at No Direction Home Premiere 2005
11 pics of Leo at Friends of NPI (The Aviator)
12 pics of Leo & Gisele Costa Rica
5 pics of Leo & Gisele Germany
35 pics of Leo Malibu
Willy, Don\'t sorry. 😉 Of course, it\'s all ok for male fans of Leo. It\'s normal. A, I don\'t know what happened to you. Send me by mail. You click in my name and you will see my mail.
Welcome back! Maybe you can help. I sound like a mad woman, but I've left comments before and nobody has answered me, I can't log on to see pics and it's the same i've always used- can Marcie, or Diane someone help??
Sorry Diane but i am a man. I hope it's okay to be a male Leonardo DiCaprio fan. Willy.
Thanks so much, ladies. :love:
Welcome Back Diane. I have respect for your work. Willy
Nice to hear that! Welcome back :surprised:
Nice that you'r back 😀 .. I love all of your new uppdates with pics of leo! :love:
WELCOME BACK!!! Glad to see u are back Diane, your Leo pics are fantastic! The one's that were being horrible, u people need to get a life! WELCOME BACK AGAIN DIANE!! :spin:
Glad to see you back in action, Diane! =D
WELCOME BACK, DIANE!!! I sure was hoping you'd consider, AND YOU DID – GOOD GIRL. I believe the majority loved your stuff. Don't pay attention to those others. As I said before, any photo you share of Leo, whether good or not so good, is worthy. We appreciate every photo – Thanks so much!
*throws confetti* So Happy you didn't let the nay sayers get you down and you decided to return!! :spin: Welcome back!! *hug*
I'm glad you're back 🙂 I for one really enjoyed your pictures and I look forward to more Leo goodness 😛