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My apologies

For the past two years I decided to take up a task I never thought would change my life. After working on this site for 13 years, I needed something new and I found that in another site I am working on which I have devoted most of my time to. My life changed in a way I never expected. I know I am way behind on a lot of things but its hard when you maintain several sites and not just one. I thank Diane for giving you something new to look at and she’s the best. Shadi who has also kept me up to date is a very good friend as well along with Ashley. I don’t have a lot of times these days and I try and do what I can so all the promoting for Django Unchained I will try and catch up on. Which I still need to do those ET Weekly Scans.

But I thought I would let you in on what I was doing for the past two years. It started that year Leo took that long vacation. So I took a vacation too. Harry Potter was ending and I had to change my site which is called This site was a pet project that I started on in December of 2010. I started working real hard on it trying to make it the best I could. So I went to work, what I found was that my graphics totally improved, I met a whole lot of nice people who I now call friends, I got contacted by promoters far more than I ever expected and in December of 2012 the site was presented on TV to Daniel Radcliffe himself on Graham Norton.  You can see the video here if your interested in viewing it.

The kind of things that occurred made me happy and for a long time I needed that. Work on SLD became not fun anymore and I find it hard at times to get back to the way I use to be. I’ll still update the site as much as possible with new content. So don’t think I am leaving the Leo world cause I am not. This is site my baby and always will be.


1 Comment

  1. hiiiiiiii
    i’m FROM bRAZIL
    Your site is amazing
    I really loved is fantastic to see well-designed websites and even more so when it is in our interests (Leonardo Dicaprio)
    Leo is surely see if encantaria 🙂

    congratulations 🙂

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