Categories Leo News

Leonardo DiCappuccino, anyone?

I was interviewed by Stephen Rea by telephone and asked about Leo’s new coffee venture. Now the article is up and you can read a snippet of it below. As we go on year 13 of this site, I would like to thank everyone who’s supported Leo and the site!

“He’s tough, man. Moviemakers are the most patient people because they know stuff takes five years. If it’s not perfect, they’ll say: ‘Ah, not quite yet.’ ”

And then, finally, Leo said let’s do this.

“It was a lot of work,” Iberti adds, with a laugh. “When you’re meeting with Leo, and you’re talking, and you’re making coffee, that’s easy. But it’s a year and a half down the line and the coffee is just now coming out.”

Over at, the 12-year-old fan site run by Marcie Lucas, news of Leo’s charity coffee is prominently displayed.”I’m not a coffee drinker,” confesses Lucas, reached by phone the other day. “But everything Leo brings attention to, all the fans are interested in. We all support him. I’m sure the coffee will do well.”


1 Comment

  1. Leonardo is without a doubt is one of the finest actors we have ever had. I cannot believe he has not won an academy award. I believe they shun him. Maybe he doesnt play their game. He is his own person. Very excited to see him in Great Gatsby. I saw the original with Robert Redford and Mia Farrow. Leonardo will be even better. Love this young man.

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