Categories Leo News Gallery Update

Registration Open

Since I do not have the time to add members manually you guys can add yourself to the gallery, I have a list of all members so if you sign up now. I will put you in the appropriate groups you registered with, after you add yourself. I started adding appearances so far. To register please go here: and click register.

Recent News

Leonardo Dicaprio will be featured on this year’s edition of the Forbes Celebrity 100, our annual ranking of the most powerful celebrities in movies, television, sports and publishing. The list comes out on Monday, June 28 at 6 PM on

Thanks to Jacquelyn Smith from


  1. Ok.Another issue how much it cost to register free or not, it is not entirely clear.

  2. because you only filled out the form. I have to make your account manually and I havent did that because i am having personal issues you will get an email when your account is made.

  3. I registration on the website, but do not see an entry and password does not work why?

  4. ? want to login but I didn’t register.I’m wondering photo albums in site but ? don’t show.Can you explain this problem 😕

  5. I haven’t posted a link to apply for the reason that is I don’t wanna deal with registration until after I am done. I am alerting several members at a time and adding them to the gallery. You should get yours soon.

  6. Hey, Marcie! Concerning on the re-registration, I’m wondering where the registration link is at the gallery? It doesn’t seem to be there, unless I am completely blind.

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