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6 reasons Leonardo Dicaprio is yet to win an Oscar

He’s been unlucky

First, lets look at his nominations, and who he lost out to.

Leo has been nominated twice before in the Best Actor category for ‘The Aviator’ in 2005 and ‘Blood Diamond’ in 2007.

In those years he lost out to Jamie Foxx in ‘Ray’ and Forest Whitaker in ‘The Last King of Scotland’. Two towering and career-defining performances, much like Tommy Lee Jones’ in ’The Fugitive’ which denied him earlier in his career when he was nominated for ‘What’s Eating Gilbert Grape’.

Ditto 2014. Let’s be clear, Leo is fantastic as Jordan Belfort in ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’. It’s a typically intense performance, but it’s also one that proves he’s got what it takes to do physical comedy too.

However, Matthew McConaughey (who pipped him to the post) is riding the crest of a wave of critical acclaim, in the the biggest year of his acting career. This makes Leo plain unlucky.

Source: Yahoo UK


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