Call of the Wild
Shot deep in the Canadian tundra by Oscar-winning cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki (who did things the hard way, utilizing only natural light for the production), footage from The Revenant played out with nary a word of dialogue and didn’t so much lay out the film’s plotline as scene-set its action within a specific milieu. DiCaprio is some kind of old timey mountain man with long, lank hair, a wardrobe of funky furs and leather pelts who’s handy with a musket in a gunfight. The audience was treated to scenes of DiCaprio fording frozen streams, doing hand-to-hand combat with fellow buckskin wearing frontiersmen and shooting at people from horseback. It played as both profound and populist: a kind of prestige popcorn movie with the potential to appeal at both the art house and the multiplex.
Source: EW