Romeo and Juliet Comparison

Unlike Shakespeare’s original script. Baz Luhrmann introduces a new version for us. In 1996, this new version played out as a remake of Shakespeare’s Classic 1968 version, but as a modern version for us in a new decade. We watched his creation laughed and cried.  After a few minutes. A new light of this play has been remade wonderfully. Using the most sought after actor Leonardo DiCaprio playing Romeo and Claire Danes as Juliet, who to me these two wonderful actors played Shakespeare’s Classic tragedy to every exact aspect. In the more modernized version Leo and Claire are two star crossed lovers who find each other and do anything to be together despite their parents.  There are some things that are different though like for instant instead of Juliet killing herself with Romeo’s knife there is a gun. All swords have been changed to guns. The love scene between the two is now more passionate. Romeo is more of a rebel and Juliet is the awaiting damsel waiting for her love.